Equipment Servicing
Dive equipment servicing in Malta. At Starfish Diving we are committed to the best after-sales service possible.
We recommend annual servicing of regulators and regular servicing of BCDs, computers, and other essential equipment. Maintenance works are available for most brands and all types of dive equipment in-house.
In general, a regulator service costs 35 EUR (First stage and 2 second stages) plus the service kits which varies by brand.
BCD service is 20 EUR plus parts (if something needs to be changed.)
Since 2019 we are SANTI service center, the only one in Malta. We carry out maintenance works on other drysuit brands as well. Services include changing drysuit seals, installing p-valves, dry gloves and changing zips.
Cylinder testing: besides visual inspection and hydrostatic testing, we have also sandblasting, painting, O2 cleaning services. Find more information and prices here.
For further information and details, contact us.